Connecting the World
International Cultural & Friendship Exchange
RCF Supporters Oversea Friendship Exchange Trips
VIP 10 day oversea trips.
In general cost for the trip around $3000 plus Airline
Teams 9-15. Rotarians, Rotaractors, Family members, friends and fans of RCF Welcome to join!
RCF Cultural Exchange Program “Golden Gates” for youth and young adults.
Cultural Exchange tours to USA for 10-14 days.
Requirements: Age 16-21. Group of up to 14 members should demonstrate talent/success in the form of presentation.

- Apr 17 -May 3 2025
“Suvartukas” is talented youth based at Cultural Arts Center of Plunge, Lithuania

- t.b.a
“Aninati” is talented youth based at Cultural Arts Center of Sighnaghi, Georgia
RCF Projects - supporting talented children and youth, helping children in need.
RCF supports varies programs and projects related to children in need worldwide.

- 11.07.2024
Providing Education and other basic needs to the project beneficiaries. The children sponsored through CEAPU are able to attend primary and secondary education. $22,035

- 11.07.2024
Medical equipment to preserve/fix vision to Children.
Serve 500 kids a year.
Part of GG2098571 $54,000

- 11.07.2024
Washing machines for Santa Teresita Orphanage.
Making life little easier.
Active project! Azerbaijan/Turkey Feb 9-19, 2025
RCF Friendship Exchange: Strengthening Global Ties through Travel
From February 9 to February 19, 2025, Rotarians from several USA clubs will embark on a Friendship Exchange trip to Azerbaijan and Turkey. Friendship connections are at the heart of Rotary, and these international exchanges create opportunities for joint projects, youth exchanges, and future visits, deepening ties between clubs around the world.
During this journey, the group will meet and connect with club members across the region. These social interactions form the backbone of such exchanges, offering Rotarians a chance to share their clubs’ ongoing initiatives and explore avenues for collaboration on international service projects. Each conversation highlights the global reach of Rotary and reinforces the idea that the power of Rotary extends worldwide.
Beyond building friendships, this trip offers rich cultural and historical experiences. Local Rotarians will guide the group through iconic cities such as Baku and Istanbul. The trip will culminate in attendance at the Rotary Presidential Peace Conference, where members will have the opportunity to meet Rotary International President Stephanie A. Urchick. These experiences promise to make the trip educational, memorable, effective, and enjoyable.
• Is it the TRUTH?
• Is it FAIR to all concerned?
• Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

- Feb 9-19, 2025
Detailed Itinerary for the trip. Countries, Cities, attractions and participation in events listed here.
(Live Google Document)

- Feb 9-19,2025
Travel map for this trip. Live google map.
All Events during this trip are reflected on this map.

Videos by location at @RotarianBlog. Rotaract Club Dnipro City Radost (Ukraine) creating video compilations.
Latest Video

Latest video from recent trip RCFs Team traveled from Germany to USA Nov 2024.
WilliamsburgVA/North Carolina

Video from recent trip
RCFs Team traveled to Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia
2024. Trip ended by attending Rotary Convention in Singapore

Latest video from recent trip RCFs Team traveled to Serbia April 2024. Fantastic Trip and great new friends in Serbia!

- “… best program we had in a long while. You make us excited about Rotary all over again, just by being there… Rotary Club of Fort Worth East, TX
- “Thank you for visiting with the Durham Sunrise Rotary Club on Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020, and telling us about your journey, inspired by Rotary, to start the Rotary Childrens Fund and Golden Gates. Your amazing program works on several levels…” Durham Sunrise Rotary Club, NC
- “… Your example of promoting reminder of all that Rotary can accomplish…” Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Club, OH
- “Great subject Great speaker … this is what Rotary is all about!” Rotary Club of Hilton Head Island, SC
- “Great organization and excellent speaker!!!” Rotary Club of Dunedin Waterside, FL
- “Thanks for a most engaging presentation…”. Framingham Rotary Club, MA
- “Fantastic program and speaker …” Henrico North Rotary Club, VA
- “It is inspiring presentation…” Pensacola SubWest Rotary Club, FL
- “You got it together … we were wowed” Rotary Club of Trumansburg NY
- “… great program with a powerful message!” Hillsborough Rotary Club, NC
- “…An inspirational presentation!” Rotary Club of Weymouth, MA
- “THANK YOU so very much for the wonderful presentation and your inspiring work. You have done some fantastic work creating a better world and what greater work than to start with the young people. I was so impressed with the outstanding talent of your youth groups and their hope for the world. I would like to recommend you to other Rotary Clubs for speaking to their clubs about your outstanding mission and vision.” Rotary Club of Providence , NC
- “Your presentation was incredible!!! What a great program you have and an amazing life story to go with it. It was an honor to be with you this morning. Thank You!!!” Rotary Club of Albuquerque del Sol, NM
- “…this was one of the best presentations I have ever saw…”, “I would like to thank you for giving the RCF Golden Gates Program to the Kittery Rotary Club. Everyone who attended said this was the best program we have ever had. You have done an amazing job giving students this opportunity and sharing their culture with Americans. Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedule to share the program with Kittery folks and good luck to you in the future.”, “Your presentation was VERY well done! I have delivered hundreds of presentations and watched several thousand, but yours was the BEST ever; it truly was outstanding!! I was in awe.” Kittery Rotary Club, ME
- “…Fantastic presentation! Great to meet you, your enthusiasm was exhilarating!” Fortuna Sunrise Rotary Club, CA
- “Wonderful presentation!”, “Fascinating!”, “Really well-done presentation!”, “Love the enthusiasm Vitaliy!” Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton, FL
- “… amazing, engaging presentation — his stories made me even more proud and excited to be a Rotarian! — Sean Jacobson, President, Denton Evening Rotary, TX
- “… All of this amazing work and impact makes my heart just overflow … how amazing! What a blessing! Thank you!”, “… such an awesome presentation! thanks for what you do sir.”, “Excellent and entertaining presentation. This is a great program and what you are doing will help the world be a better place” Cross Timbers Rotary Club, TX
- “EXCELLENT PRESENTATION! You have answered All of Our Questions! So inspiring! And you spread the wealth Around. So proud to be supporting your group in some way!”, “Awesome presentation Vitaliy! I love the passion you have for what you do! Summit Rotary Club, NC
- “Thank you for presenting to our club today, your work is amazing! Thank you for loving your Rotary Ideals!” Summit City South Rotary Club of Fort Wayne, IN
- “Wow! This IT Caveman is wowed by this PP show!”, “Vitaliy you are awesome. Servant Leader and excellent speaker!”, “Great speaker! Great message!”, “Wow, very, very good speaker and so passionate!”, “Very cool! Thank you Vitaliy! Wonderful presentation!”, “Wow, speechless!”, “This is fantastic!!!”, “Wow, Great example of Rotary being international!”, “Love his! Amazing!” Cincinnati-Eastside Rotary Club, OH
- “I have been a Rotarian for 28 years and it has been a life changing experience for me. What you are doing is a great opportunity for me to keep broadening my Rotary engagement. Thank you so much for what you are doing for Rotary.” Denver/Lake Norman, NC